

HIPERZAB is composed by the close collaboration of a multidisciplinary and highly research-experienced consortium of 6 partners that belong both to European and non European countries and covers the whole value chain from basic knowledge to prototype development and testing; from materials development to component processing, assembly, and battery fabrication.

CIC energiGUNE

CIC energiGUNE

CIC energiGUNE is an energy storage research center specialized in electrochemical storage (batteries and supercapacitors), thermal energy solutions and hydrogen technologies that aims to generate disruptive scientific knowledge in materials and technological solutions related to energy, and contributing to improve industry competitiveness and sustainable development.

Within the project, CIC energiGUNE takes the coordination of HIPERZAB and the development and integration of metal-air batteries. CIC energiGUNE also participates in the manufacturing of small cells of 1 Ah and gives its support in the initial testing of the cells/modules to verify the conformity.

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CEGASA’s the world leader in industrial Zn air batteries. CEGASA´s approach to provide the most cost effective solution to their customers based in experience, efficiency, innovation.

Within the project, CEGASA leads the analysis of current ESS systems to provide the required specifications for the complete ERZAB system and the technology positioning with respect to direct competitor technologies. CEGASA also analyses the circularity of their current production process to evaluate how the introduction of HIPERZAB new materials and components will improve it and finally will identify and define recyclability/valorisation potential of developed components.

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SINTEF is one of Europe´s largest research institutes, with multidisciplinary expertise in technology, natural sciences and social sciences. It is an independent foundation that since 1950 has created innovation through research and development assignments for business and the public sector in Norway and abroad. 

Within the project, SINTEF leads the 3D- structured composite anode development. This involves not only analysing the different materials but also performing SEM-EDS and XRD analysis as well as Hg-intrusion porosimetry (MIP) to quantify electrode porosity and pore size distribution. In addition, SINTEF integrates the biopolymer matrix, characterises and test the final 3D Zn/biopolymer composite anode.

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Politecnico di Torino

Politecnico di Torino

The Politecnico di Torino is one of the most important universities in Europe for engineering and architecture studies, strongly committed to collaboration with industry. Politecnico is a research university that participates at the highest levels of international scientific research. Research activities, are structured in four macro-areas: Industrial Engineering; Information Technology; Management and Mathematical Engineering; Civil, Environmental, Architecture and Design Engineering.

Within the HIPERZAB project POLITO leads the development of the acid layer and electrochemical validation. They also contribute in the bilayer electrolyte fabrication, specially focusing on the mechanical charaterisation of it. Moreover, they participate in the integration and testing of GEN0 device, and is charge of perform electrochemical investigations EIS to evaluate the evolution of the cell interfacial resistance at different stages of charge, among others.

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IREC is the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, a CERCA institute. Its mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of our society implementing industrial competitiveness, generating scientific knowledge and building technology around energy-related issues.

The purpose of the CERCA Institute is to ensure that the Catalan research centres system is properly developed; to encourage and maximise synergies, coordination between centres and strategic cooperation; to improve the positioning, visibility and impact of the research carried out and to facilitate communication between public and private agents.

Within the HIPERZAB project IREC leads the identification and activity evaluation of bifunctional catalyst. IREC explores bifunctional materials for ORR/OER of a wide range of elements through characterisation techniques including fast-screening optical techniques that can provide large amounts of data points capable to feed AI routines. Furthermore, IREC collaborates in the optimization of the cathode architecture and develops modelling and simulation approaches.

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ADVENST Enerji Depolama San. Tic. A.S.

ADVENST Enerji Depolama San. Tic. A.S.

Advenst (ADVanced ENergy STorage) develops and manufactures next generation energy storage systems from kW to MW range. Its core technology is based on safe and low-cost Zinc-Air energy storage systems, but they also offer state of the art Lithium-ion, Nickel-Zinc and Lead-Acid storage solutions that can be used in a variety of applications.

Within the HIPERZAB project, ADVENST leads the CRM-free bifunctional cathode development. This implies the identification of the polymer chemistries, synthesise GDLs via iCVD along with their structural characterisation. Moreover, ADVENST participates in the identification of suitable materials in close collaboration with other project members of the project, to optimize the cathode architecture, fabrication and testing. Last but not least, also participates in the multiscale modelling of the cells and components.

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The German aerospace center (DLR) is the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its extensive research and development work in aeronautics, space, energy, transport and security is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures.

Within the HIPERZAB project, DLR leads the development and application of operando techniques to investigate the components upon cycling as function of operating conditions (gas and hydrostatic pressure, humidification, cycling parameters), cell and component characteristics (e.g., composition of GDE and electrolyte) which will be detrimental for lifetime in cells, particularly with scaled-up dimensions.

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